Thursday, July 30, 2015

We got video!

Our agency's worker in China visited her orphanage this past weekend and sent us new video! Here was their update "tell the family she is perfect, totally perfect girl. She is quiet and easygoing, very pretty". Awwww! Melts our heart!

Monday, July 27, 2015

More pictures...

We found out that this past week there happened to be a missions team from the U.S. serving at Audrey's orphanage! They have been doing this trip for several years and spend a week or so there, doing some amazing things for the kids and nannies. I have been in contact with some of the team members and have been lucky to get a lot more info about her and the environment she's in, including lots more pictures! Here are just a few....
And picture of the room where she sleeps and the outside of the orphanage .... We even got a baby picture of her from when she was about 6 months old!
Here is a video of the work that this missions team has done at her orphanage over the last several years.....

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Matched with our Baby Girl!

We got the call today that we have been matched with a little girl, 22 months old, living in an orphanage in Chenzhou City, China. We're already in love with this little face! Here she is, Audrey Lynn....
She has a right club foot and will require seeing an orthopedic doctor after she comes home, probably needing a series of casts to straighten the foot out, then braces on her feet while she sleeps. She is able to stand on her own, but I don't think she can walk yet due to the club foot. Her update says she is an active girl, loving smile with "curved" hair! Says she crawls around, loves to grab toys with other kids, but will not cry when her toy is grabbed by others, she will turn to other toys then. Also says she behaves well, gets along well with other kids and is very obedient!